Come help maintain hiking trails at the Colorado River Refuge! This Pines and Prairies Land Trust property has beautiful trails covering a diverse landscape.
Moderate to light mainenance will include clearing overgrowth and leveling out tread. Please wear appropriate work clothes including long pants and sturdy closed-toed shoes. Please bring your favorite tools – loppers, pruning saw, McLeod, trimmer, etc. (no chainsaws), as well as work gloves, sunblock, water bottle, etc.
Regular workdays will be the first Saturday of the month, 8:30-11:30. Summer hours may be earlier.
We will meet at one of the 3 main trailheads. The exact location will be posted at least 1 week prior to the work day.
Cliffhanger: 139 W. Riverside Dr.
River Trail: 231 Riverside Dr.
Two Bridges: 315 Riverside Dr.
Margaret will be leading the work and can be reached at 512-988-0930, if you have any questio