First Sunday Service Day - Volunteer Work Day at the Colorado River Refuge
Join Pines and Prairies Land Trust and other community members as we work together to maintain the Trails at the Colorado River Refuge
Upcoming Events
Join Pines and Prairies Land Trust and other community members as we work together to maintain the Trails at the Colorado River Refuge
Join Pines & Prairies Land Trust as we perform trail maintenance at the Colorado River Refuge!
Join Pines & Prairies Land Trust as we perform trail maintenance at the Colorado River Refuge!
Join Pines and Prairies Land Trust and other community members as we work together to maintain the Trails at the Colorado River Refuge
Join Pines & Prairies Land Trust as we perform trail maintenance at the Colorado River Refuge!
Join Pines & Prairies Land Trust as we perform trail maintenance at the Colorado River Refuge!
Join Pines and Prairies Land Trust and other community members as we work together to maintain the Trails at the Colorado River Refuge
Join Pines & Prairies Land Trust as we perform trail maintenance at the Colorado River Refuge!
Join Pines & Prairies Land Trust as we perform trail maintenance at the Colorado River Refuge!
Stop by our table to say "hi"!
Join Pines & Prairies Land Trust as we perform trail maintenance at the Colorado River Refuge!
What do you know about the weather? Do you know how rain clouds form? Come learn with us!
Join Pines & Prairies Land Trust as we perform trail maintenance at the Colorado River Refuge!
Tiny Predators, Tiny Prey - How They See & How They Slay
FULL - Registration is now closed. Thank you!!
Let us shine a light on our brightest stars before the star party!
Join Pines and Prairies Land Trust and other community members as we work together to maintain the Trails at the Colorado River Refuge
Come visit us at this local event
Get ready to splash in the river and see how many macro-invertebrates we can find!
Join Pines & Prairies Land Trust as we perform trail maintenance at the Colorado River Refuge!
No First Sunday Service Day work days during the heat of the summer
Explore Yegua Knobbs Preserve and our reopened trails on this open preserve day!
Sorry all, we had to cancel today’s class due to the tropical storm!
Join Pines & Prairies Land Trust as we perform trail maintenance at the Colorado River Refuge!
Join us at the Colorado River Refuge/Bastrop County Nature Park for a morning outdoors learning about leaf cutter ants!
Bird City Bastrop Event: You’re invited to the monthly "Little Hike” which is a birding and photography gathering for birding beginners!
Canceled due to the rain
Bird City Bastrop Event: You’re invited to the monthly "LITTLE SIT” - let’s get our bird on together!
Join us at the Colorado River Refuge/Bastrop County Nature Park for a morning outdoors learning more about birds!
Join Pines and Prairies Land Trust and other community members as we work together to maintain the Trails at the Colorado River Refuge
Join us at the Colorado River Refuge/Bastrop County Nature Park for a morning outdoors learning about some of the secrets right under our feet - in the soil!
Join Pines & Prairies Land Trust as we perform trail maintenance at the Colorado River Refuge!
Join Pines & Prairies Land Trust as we perform trail maintenance at the Colorado River Refuge!
Join Pines and Prairies Land Trust and other community members as we work together to maintain the Trails at the Colorado River Refuge
Join Pines & Prairies Land Trust for a guided hike at the Colorado River Refuge!
Join Pines & Prairies Land Trust as we perform trail maintenance at the Colorado River Refuge!